MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1762 Spring Hill TN 37174

Christian Supernatural Intercession is  prayer ministry that focuses on engaging in prayer practices that go beyond the natural realm and tap into the supernatural power of God.  Intercession, in the Christian context, refers to praying on behalf of others, standing in the gap, and seeking God's intervention and guidance for Specific needs and situations.  

In the context of a prayer ministry, Christian Supernatural Intercession involves:

1. Belief in the Supernatural Power of God: This prayer ministry believes in the supernatural power of God to intervene, heal, deliver, and work miracles in response to prayer.

2.  Spiritual Warfare:  Engaging in spiritual warfare through prayer, intercessors in this ministry actively combat spiritual forces of darkness and contend for breakthrough and victory in the spiritual realm.

3.  Prophetic Intercession: Practicing prophetic intercession by listening to the voice of God, discerning His will, and praying according to His leading for individuals, communities, and nations.

4.  Faith-Filled Prayers: Praying with faith, boldness, and expectancy, believing that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think.

5.  Empowering Others: Equipping and encouraging believers to grow in their prayer life, deepen their relationship with God, and walk in the authority and power of prayer.

Overall, Christian Supernatural Intercession (C.S.I) as a kingdom tool in the church, is dedicated to seeking God's supernatural intervention, moving in faith, and partnering with Holy Spirit to bring about transformation, healing, and breakthrough in the lives of individuals and the world around them.